Thursday, May 1, 2008

a new me

a new me. that's what i'm going for anyway. my legs hate me right now. amber and i have taken up running, well jogging, okay maybe a pace slightly faster than walking.

anyway, i am doing this in an attempt to lose weight (duh!) and get in better health. i stepped on my scale the other day (i had been using amber's and turns out, it is very misleading!) and to my surprise i saw that scary number and it meant that i have gained nearly 10 lbs, 9 to be exact, since last summer! ok, total panic. for those of you that love me and continue to tell my that you can't tell, thank you for being really good liars :)

i am also attempting to quit smoking...again. i know, i know i've said this a hundred times, but if i don't keep trying then i'll never succeed, so ya'll doubters out there just keep your mouth shut! and smoking does not go to well with running so for my lungs sake i believe it's time.

poor matt, love of my life, has taken the brunt of my nicotine withdrawal! yesterday, i snapped on him :( we were talking about his plans of camping with friends for this weekend and i interpreted as he didn't want me to be a part of them! so in my lack of nicotine state i was pretty heated and hurt. after lots of talking and explaining my feelings and what he really meant all is better now, i know he really did want me to be there! and to make matter's worse, after my big fit, turns out i can't go anyway, guess i just wanted him to want me to go...girls, we are so silly! i love you peanut!

one of the hostesses at chili's also got the brunt of my lack of nicotine today. but i'm still not too remorseful for this one, she was overstepping her boundaries! i simply asked her to talk into her little headset and ask the busser to bus my table. well, she had the nerve to tell me i needed to clear the plates first. excuse me?!? who the ef are you? so, i proceeded to clear my plates and then i marched up to her and told her it was NOT her job to tell me to clear plates and if she new better, she would have known that i did pre-bus that table...sheesh, that's what busser's get paid for anyway!

in conclusion, for those of you who see me in the next few days, please know, if i snap on you i am truly sorry and i am on my way to recovery. i'm just not very tolerable at the moment :)


Beka Bullard said...

Remind me to not bring your niece around until you get through your nicotine withdrawls. She might not understand your rage. Just know we love you! I am so proud of you for working so are going to be a skinny, smoke-free babe this summer!

Dr. Erin and Mr. Heath said...

You can do it!!!! Love you, my dear. And you better be over your nicotine-craving rages by time you come see me this week!