Friday, May 16, 2008

today is a flats kind of day

very flat.  i'm feeling especially sad and depressed today.  i'm also a bit leery about posting this openly online, but really i think only beka and erin read this so i'm probably okay :)

i think the bad day started at 4:30 in the morning when my smoke alarm decided to randomly start yelling in the way smoke alarms do.  well i have little knowledge of smoke detectors and consequently after an hour of fiddling with the damn thing, it's lying on my dresser.

then i have to go to work, at the place that i loathe, and make a measly $35... pathetic.  i get off around 4:15 in the afternoon, and i'm supposed to go see amanda.  she was in a car wreck yesterday and has broke her foot.  however, for some selfish reason (tired from work, go run, eat dinner, blah blah), i don't go. so sorry amanda :(

not even the run today can make me feel better.  then amber and i go to the mall and raye calls me to do her a favor b/c her internet is broken; i'm supposed to call her when i get home.  and what do i do? forget to call...bad friend act number two for the day. so sorry raye :(

what is going on with me?  i'm not a selfish person, why am i behaving like one lately? and on a side note, i usually have a lot of will power for dieting, but these days, i want to eat everything in site and i do; another reason to be sad- my growing waistline. 

and another thing, why can i not get a job?? for that matter, why can i not get a freaking interview! am i destined to work at chili's forever.  holy cow the thought of that literally just made my eyes well up with tears. i don't think i can put into words how i feel today, actually, maybe i can...hopeless.

sorry, i'm negative nancy...had to get it off my chest.


Dr. Erin and Mr. Heath said...

I'm sorry you had such a bad day. Life seems to come at you all at once sometimes. I'm sure A and R understand you not calling. You are a wonderful friend, the best friend. So, one bad friend day is okay in my book. Love you to pieces. Today is a new day!

Beka Bullard said...

You are the most un-bad friend in the world. I am proud of you for sticking this out. It would be so easy for you to give up, but you have a willpower and a drive. Soon you will have a master's degree in something you love. Something that is not a "safe" road, ,but something you are passionate about. I saw your advice on Erin's blog and I will say it to you..."This too, shall pass."